Please note: Most locations in the Central Time zone are currently observing CDT, not CST. See Central Time.

Taim long Landen, Pacific Standard Time, Central Standard Time, Central European Time na New York

Please note: Pacific Standard Time is currently not observed. See Pacific Time.
Please note: Most locations in the Central Time zone are currently observing CDT, not CST. See Central Time.
  • Wanem taim bin 13:00PM long Mande, Mas 4 long Landen, em 05:00AM long Pacific Standard Time, 07:00AM long Central Standard Time, 08:00AM long New York, na 14:00PM long Central European Time.
  • Taim gat:
  • Landen i stap 8 ol aua pastaim Pacific Standard Time, 6 ol aua pastaim Central Standard Time, 5 ol aua pastaim New York, na 1 aua bihain Central European Time.
  • Presim sampela taim long tebol ananit long openim na kisim event taim pes bilong sampela manmeri.

Taim senisim from Landen

Pacific Standard Time
8 ol aua
8 ol aua
Central Standard Time
6 ol aua
6 ol aua
New York
5 ol aua
5 ol aua
Central European Time+1 ol aua


Pacific Standard Time (-8a)

Central Standard Time (-6a)

Central European Time (+1a)

New York (-5a)

Mande 13:00PMMande 05:00AMMande 07:00AMMande 14:00PMMande 08:00AM
Mande 14:00PMMande 06:00AMMande 08:00AMMande 15:00PMMande 09:00AM
Mande 15:00PMMande 07:00AMMande 09:00AMMande 16:00PMMande 10:00AM
Mande 16:00PMMande 08:00AMMande 10:00AMMande 17:00PMMande 11:00AM
Mande 17:00PMMande 09:00AMMande 11:00AMMande 18:00PMMande 12:00PM
Mande 18:00PMMande 10:00AMMande 12:00PMMande 19:00PMMande 13:00PM
Mande 19:00PMMande 11:00AMMande 13:00PMMande 20:00PMMande 14:00PM
Mande 20:00PMMande 12:00PMMande 14:00PMMande 21:00PMMande 15:00PM
Mande 21:00PMMande 13:00PMMande 15:00PMMande 22:00PMMande 16:00PM
Mande 22:00PMMande 14:00PMMande 16:00PMMande 23:00PMMande 17:00PM
Mande 23:00PMMande 15:00PMMande 17:00PMTunde 00:00AMMande 18:00PM
Tunde 00:00AMMande 16:00PMMande 18:00PMTunde 01:00AMMande 19:00PM
Tunde 01:00AMMande 17:00PMMande 19:00PMTunde 02:00AMMande 20:00PM
Tunde 02:00AMMande 18:00PMMande 20:00PMTunde 03:00AMMande 21:00PM
Tunde 03:00AMMande 19:00PMMande 21:00PMTunde 04:00AMMande 22:00PM
Tunde 04:00AMMande 20:00PMMande 22:00PMTunde 05:00AMMande 23:00PM
Tunde 05:00AMMande 21:00PMMande 23:00PMTunde 06:00AMTunde 00:00AM
Tunde 06:00AMMande 22:00PMTunde 00:00AMTunde 07:00AMTunde 01:00AM
Tunde 07:00AMMande 23:00PMTunde 01:00AMTunde 08:00AMTunde 02:00AM
Tunde 08:00AMTunde 00:00AMTunde 02:00AMTunde 09:00AMTunde 03:00AM
Tunde 09:00AMTunde 01:00AMTunde 03:00AMTunde 10:00AMTunde 04:00AM
Tunde 10:00AMTunde 02:00AMTunde 04:00AMTunde 11:00AMTunde 05:00AM
Tunde 11:00AMTunde 03:00AMTunde 05:00AMTunde 12:00PMTunde 06:00AM
Tunde 12:00PMTunde 04:00AMTunde 06:00AMTunde 13:00PMTunde 07:00AM
Tunde 13:00PMTunde 05:00AMTunde 07:00AMTunde 14:00PMTunde 08:00AM
Tunde 14:00PMTunde 06:00AMTunde 08:00AMTunde 15:00PMTunde 09:00AM
Tunde 15:00PMTunde 07:00AMTunde 09:00AMTunde 16:00PMTunde 10:00AM
Tunde 16:00PMTunde 08:00AMTunde 10:00AMTunde 17:00PMTunde 11:00AM
Tunde 17:00PMTunde 09:00AMTunde 11:00AMTunde 18:00PMTunde 12:00PM
Tunde 18:00PMTunde 10:00AMTunde 12:00PMTunde 19:00PMTunde 13:00PM
Tunde 19:00PMTunde 11:00AMTunde 13:00PMTunde 20:00PMTunde 14:00PM
Tunde 20:00PMTunde 12:00PMTunde 14:00PMTunde 21:00PMTunde 15:00PM
Tunde 21:00PMTunde 13:00PMTunde 15:00PMTunde 22:00PMTunde 16:00PM
Tunde 22:00PMTunde 14:00PMTunde 16:00PMTunde 23:00PMTunde 17:00PM
Tunde 23:00PMTunde 15:00PMTunde 17:00PMTrinde 00:00AMTunde 18:00PM
Trinde 00:00AMTunde 16:00PMTunde 18:00PMTrinde 01:00AMTunde 19:00PM

Tanem gen

Please note: Most locations in the Central Time zone are currently observing CDT, not CST. See Central Time.
Mande, Septemba 16, 2024, wik 38